+49 431 - 990 730
Detect osteoporosis early & accompany therapies safely
With our innovative analysis procedure, the first signs of osteoporosis can be detected well before the previous standard procedure with X-rays (DXA) can indicate a loss of bone density. What can remain undetected on the X-ray for years, the OsteoTest already shows. It provides certainty and the chance to start therapy early and to live without complaints in old age.

About osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a widespread disease. More than half of all women over 50 suffer from it. At the latest when the first symptoms of menopause appear, you should know whether you are showing signs of osteoporosis.

Early detection
According to current knowledge, osteoporosis cannot be cured, but it can be easily stopped by targeted diet and exercise as well as therapy. This is why early diagnosis and treatment are so important.

For doctors
The OsteoTest is the ideal companion for the detection and therapy of osteoporosis. The procedure provides exact measured values for determining the calcium loss in the bones. Changes can be recorded and evaluated objectively and scientifically.

Test procedure
The OsteoTest | home from osteolabs works in an uncomplicated way and without X-rays, because it determines the calcium ratios in the bones using a urine sample. All you need for the evaluation is a small amount of morning urine, which you send to our specialised laboratory.

Patient information
In this section we provide our customers with helpful information, be it for your next visit to the doctor, a sample result or which practice in your area is already using the test successfully.
What our clients say
Click here to read the testimonial of our brand ambassador Heike Henkel and how our partner doctors use the OsteoTest.